Athletic Field Renovation

GrassMasters uses the GKB Combinator dual-purpose Athletic Field Renovation system for complete field stripping and Fraise Mowing services. Our field removal systems combined with our high floatation sod and sprig installation services allow for a complete field renovation. What in the past may have taken weeks to be completed can now be accomplished in a matter of hours.

For complete field stripping the GKB Combinator can remove existing sod and soil to a depth of 2" while precisely following the field grade to allow for immediate seeding, sprigging or sodding. The same machine can also be used for Fraise Mowing which is a process of removing the very top layer of clumpy grass, thatch, or any other material that should not be on the field including glass or rocks. Once the Fraise mowing process is complete, the field is still at grade but much smoother and ready for either re-seeding, or re-growing depending on grass type. The Fraise Mowing process does not remove the existing grass roots. If additional seed or sprig material is added back to the field the new and the old will grow back in together for an even thicker stand of turf. A smooth, healthy playing surface not only looks better it is also safer!